WHAT DO AL GORE AND HALLOWEEN HAVE IN COMMON? The following is from a recent edition of Christian Crusade Newspaper, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102. The newspaper is in its 42nd year of publication and can be E-mailed on America On Line as BJHargis, on Compuserve at 72204,541, on GEnie through K.Wilkerson3 and via the Internet as bjhargis@aol.com . Permission is granted for this article to be used in newsletters, on computer BBSs or other otherwise published, provided that attribution to Christian Crusade Newspaper is included. copyright 1993 Christian Crusade Newspaper. All rights reserved. from CHRISTIAN CRUSADE NEWSPAPER by Keith Wilkerson, editor What does Halloween have to do with the Clinton administration or the decline of America? Has Vice President Al Gore been duped by earth- goddess worshipers and the Norman Lear crowd, which is pleading that America return to spirituality Ñ as long as it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, whose status as Òthe only wayÓ offends Moslems, Hindus, Unitarians and the new ÒpagansÓ of the New Age Movement? Some would have us believe that the forces of terrible evil are finally moving in for the kill Ñ howling in unheard, demonic delight that the United States has finally turned its back on the one true God who made this land great and good. They say Halloween has been used to desensitize generations of Americans to demons, evil spirits and witches. They say that todayÕs new generation, including such well-meaning people as Al Gore, has been carefully prepared for a New Age pseudo-religiousness which will drive Christianity from America. Is Halloween truly evil? IÕve watched school administrators Ñ whom I knew to be devoted Christians Ñ squirm uncomfortably under public accusations that they are insidious agents of darkness, attempting to coach our tender children in the occult. Their sin? They permitted the PTA to have a fund-raising Haunted House or allowed the eighth grade to throw a Halloween costume dance. At school board meetings and in church we have heard people we respect complain about Halloween observances, particularly now that the public schools have been forced to purge anything Christian from holiday observances. ÒJesus has been kicked out the schools,Ó goes the complaint, Òwhile Satan has been invited in.Ó Just yesterday, a friend from our Wednesday night home fellowship group called me, upset that her second grader had brought home a ghost-story book that ends with a chapter speculating that there may be some truth to out-of-body experiences, seances and life after death. She wanted to know if I thought the teacher was a New Ager. I suggested that the worried mom do some volunteer work at school Ñ and that she would probably find that the teacher is a devoted Baptist or Methodist. I personally have always liked Halloween. I loved trick-or-treating as a child. One year, I gathered two grocery sacks of goodies. My grandfather, who taught the adult Sunday school class at a little fundamentalist church in rural Iowa, would laugh and tell me about sneaking around on Halloween, tipping over privies and soaping windows. But I remember my grandfather worrying that the tricksters seemed to get a little more malicious every year. I remember talking with him about news accounts of DetroitÕs annual DevilÕs Night Ñ and how the fire department was battling hundreds of arson fires on Halloween. I remember how he took to sitting under the mercury light at his used car lot on Halloween night, reading his Bible with a loaded shotgun on his lap. I have edited a number of books on the occult Ñ such as evangelist Nicky CruzÕs Devil on the Run about his childhood in Puerto Rico, raised by spiritualist healers in communication with demonic spirits. I share his conviction that Christians cannot dabble in darkness and remain in communion with Almighty God. I also edited Lester SumrallÕs book Exorcism, in which he recounts his numerous encounters with demonic entities and warns that Christians must have nothing to do with the occult, which he says is real and powerful. And I have listened to the strident arguments that Halloween is evil. But I have four children who look forward to dressing up on Halloween and going door-to-door gathering treats from our neighbors. Our friends always invite my kids in, pretending to be scared by my second daughter dressed up in her lion suit, or acting like they donÕt recognize my youngest son, who is peeking out from under his turban and lisping Òtwick oh tweat.Ó This year again, I will go with my kids, standing back as they knock on each door, reminding them, if they forget, to say ÒThank you.Ó We will probably dress up like Bible characters again. In her lion suit, my daughter explains that she is one of the lions that did not eat Daniel. I may put on my old Boy Scout uniform and again tell people I am Joshua Ñ the boy who was a scout for Moses in the book of Exodus. Am I guilty of compromise? ÒThere are a number of reasons why I think it is unwise for Christian parents to permit their children to go door to door collecting candy on Halloween,Ó says conservative Christian author and minister John MacArthur. ÒFirst of all, dressing up like witches, ghosts, or goblins is incompatible with a ChristianÕs testimony. ÒÔI think it is wise for parents to give their children a creative alternative to celebrating Halloween,Ó says MacArthur. ÒThey shouldnÕt feel like theyÕve missed something because they are Christians. Our family likes to spend Halloween together. We plan special activities that are more fun for the kids than begging candy. ÒIn the past, we have all gone out together for ice cream, or we might stay home and have a special evening together doing something just for them. That way when the children face the inevitable pressure of talking with their friends about what they did on Halloween, they can share their faith in positive terms, rather than having to speak of what they canÕt do because of their parentsÕ Christian faith.Ó Former occultist William J. Schnoebelen agrees, ÒTake back this night for the glory of God and remember that Ôgreater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!ÕÓ (1 John 4:4). One successful alternative used by a number of churches is a ÒFaith FestivalÓ in which children dress as their favorite Bible character and gather for a special childrenÕs service with puppets, a Christian film, or a Bible-centered carnival. My own youngsters attended a large churchÕs elaborate Harvest festival when visiting their grandparents last year. At various booths in a big tent on the church lawn, they learned how to shear sheep, milk goats, spin thread, weave cloth. hammer copper into sheets, throw pottery on a wheel Ñ and make unleaven bread. All four kids came away with hand-sawed crosses hanging around their necks from leather strips. I believe it gave them a chance to see that being Christians doesnÕt mean they have to sit at home while everybody else in their class is having fun. ÒMany Christians will allow and even encourage their children to pay respect to the devil on October 31 without knowing they do so,Ó writes researcher Gloria Phillips of Bay View Church in Mobile, Alabama. ÒChurches will fully sanction the event with parties that will be decorated with witches, cats, brooms, jack-o-lanterns and bobbing apples. What is the harm? How did this originate?Ó she writes on the Computers for Christ of Chicago network. She writes that the custom of Halloween is traced to the Druid festival of the dead. Samhain, a Druid god of the dead was honored at the autumnal equinox in Britain, France, Germany and the Celtic countries. Samhain called together all wicked souls who died within the past year and that were destined to inhabit animals. Suitable food and shelter was provided for these spirits or else they would cast spells, cause havoc, steal infants, destroy crops, kill farm animals and create terror as they haunted the living Ñ just like ÒTrick-or-TreatÓ today. After the Romans conquered them around 43 A.D, there came Christians who discouraged converts from participating in heathen activities. Some new believers, however, hung onto tradition, transferring their old festivities to the Christian festival of All HallowedÕs Eve, which was celebrated on October 31, the night before the Christian holiday of All HallowedÕs Day. Pranks and mischief began to by played out to represent the mischievous behavior attributed to the now- banned spirits, witches and the fairies. Prosperity was promised to all who were generous donors, and tricks to all who refused during trick-or-treating. Traditional Halloween symbols started showing up in the U.S. during the late 1800Õs Ñ perhaps with Irish and Scottish immigration. Witches, black cats, deathÕs head cut from a pumpkin, candles, masks, parties and pranks were used. In rural areas, aggravating and destructive acts were done, such as removing gates and placing them atop barns. The same was done with outhouses and wagons. Phillips believes that it is heathen to celebrate a holiday with pagan roots. ÒThe Bible instructs us to have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness,Ó she writes. ÒBoth Christian and Jew are forbidden to participate in the occult practices listed in Deuteronomy 18:10. Some may reply, ÔBut we only do this in fun...we donÕt practice witchcraft.Õ However, that which represents Satan and his domain cannot be handled or emulated Ôfor fun.Õ Such participation places you in enemy and forbidden territory and that is dangerous ground.Ó What about the idea that as believers, we can make Halloween an opportunity to provide a creative alternative to this celebration of darkness? ÒWhen I was a new Christian, I was astonished at how many churches celebrated Halloween. Some had costume parties. Others went so far as to sponsor ÔHaunted HousesÕ to raise funds for projects,Ó writes Schnoebelen. ÒPerhaps I was more sensitive than most because I had been an actual witch!Ó ÒChildren are very sensitive,Ó he continues, Òand we cannot know what damage we do to them by exposing them to bone-rattling terror on Halloween. 2 Timothy 1:7 teaches that ÔGod hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mindÕ We are promised in 1 John 4:18 that Ôperfect love casteth out fear.Õ Innocent thrills are one thing, but in many cases terrifying experiences can open up doorways for Satan to come in and mess around with their minds. I know that my first attraction to witchcraft came right after my being utterly terrified during a Halloween night experience. ÒEven more fear has emerged recently with the realization of the very real danger of children being kidnapped for Samhain sacrifices at this season. Our ministry has dealt with several cases of either alleged ritual kidnapping or ritual abuse by witches and satanists,Ó writes Schnoebelen. ÒIn the midst of all this, we Christians can know that if we bring up our children prayerfully, in the knowledge and fear of the Lord and donÕt expose them unnecessarily to SatanÕs ministry of fear, we have in us a power that can effortlessly turn aside HalloweenÕs evil. ÒJesus said, ÔIn the world, ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the worldÕ (John 16:33). Plead the blood of Jesus and the victory of His cross and resurrection over your kids daily. Send them out into the world with a hug and the knowledge that you love them and that Jesus loves them and lives within them. Do spiritual warfare against Samhain and against all the wiles of the devil and know that in Jesus we can tear down and smash all of the machinery that Satan has devised to come against us and our families. ÒThough many Christians today think of witches as fairy tales with no more reality than the Smurfs, the fact is that witchcraft, or Wicca as it is known to its followers, is a major religion counting thousands of worshippers.Ó Indeed, attendance at SeptemberÕs Parliament of the WorldÕs Religions by members of a witches sect was cited as the reason that Greek Orthodox Church representatives left the Chicago conference. ÒIt would be inconceivable for Orthodox Christianity to establish a perceived relationship with [such] groupsÉÓ the delegation said in an official statement. ÒThe presence of such groups seems to compromise the integrity of the parliamentÕs intended purpose.Ó So, the conservative Orthodox delegates left. And the witches stayed. More trouble followed when the witches demanded the right to dance under the full moon in ChicagoÕs Grant Park. The American Civil Liberties Union swooped in to their rescue Ñ threatening to sue. The matter was dropped when the Chicago Park District apologized to Phyllis Currott, high priestess of the Covenant of the Goddess, described by the Associated Press as Òfollowers of Wicca, who worship female deities.Ó ÒWicca is the fastest growing religion in America but still very misunderstood,Ó said Currott. ÒThis is an important opportunity for people to learn who we truly are.Ó Because of the proliferation of such pagan groups, unless there is a turnaround very soon, America is in very real danger of becoming a pagan society, says MacArthur. Already our entertainment media glorify paganism Ñ while never missing an opportunity to paint Christians as dull, stupid, legalistic naysayers. Recently a group of 150 scholars calling itself the Fundamentalism Project published the results of its five years of research and branded religious fundamentalists as dangerous threats to the stability of society. Fundamentalists, under the projectÕs definition, includes most evangelicals and certainly the Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God, Churches of Christ Ñ and even the Roman Catholic Church, because of its militant stand against abortion and extramarital sex. ÒThey want to change society,Ó said Martin Marty, noted religion scholar and professor at the University of Chicago Divinity School. ÒAnd they believe they Ñ and they alone Ñ have the answer. Everything in the fundamentalistÕs world is we vs. them, God vs. Satan, black vs. white. They donÕt want to be popular. ... To be persecuted or spoken against is a sign they have THE truth.Ó He told the Associated Press that the project has helped produce three of six projected volumes on fundamentalism, program leaders have written two spinoff books, consulted on a TV and radio series, and their work is believed influential in State Department circles. Marty predicts fundamentalistsÕ hard-line attitudes will shake up in the world in upcoming decades. ÒTheyÕre going to keep ripping up governments,Ó he said. ÒThey will win some governments. They will change some constitutions. There will be a lot of turmoil. There will be a lot of blood. There are generations of rough stuff ahead, no doubt about it.Ó Such growing hostility toward Christians is not limited to academic circles. ÒWe have to be careful about how we say ÔJesus,ÕÓ says the Rev. James Wieging, a police chaplain in suburban Detroit, Òbecause IÕm never sure that the person IÕm dealing with is even within the Judeo-Christian heritage. I can even offend by referring to Scripture too quickly.Ó At a recent meeting of the International Conference of Police Chaplains, he and several hundred other chaplains talked about the challenges of ministering in an American society that is increasingly less Christian. Chaplain Edward Lemerise, a consultant with the FBIÕs employee assistance program, said the most important contribution a chaplain can make to a police officer trying to recover from an addiction is Òto bring up God.Ó Lemerise said every addict suffers from Òspiritual bankruptcy.Ó ÒWe have to get people to start to realize they have to heal their relationship with their Creator,Ó he said. However, chaplains have to be careful to refer to God in unoffensive terms, which usually means not mentioning Jesus. When pro-life activist Michael Griffin gunned down Florida abortionist Dr. David Gunn, Christian groups nationwide recoiled in horror at the murder in Pensacola. ÒThe violence of killing in the name of pro-life makes a mockery of the pro-life cause,Ó proclaimed the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference. Yet their statement went largely ignored by the news media. ÒIndeed, the tragedy in Pensacola reveals the vacuum in American intellectual discourse created by the growing contempt for Christianity,Ó says Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition. ÒA dark thread runs through the conventional explanation for Michael GriffinÕs behavior: He was a devout Christian. Anthony Lewis of the New York Times opined hysterically that the murder in Pensacola showed that Ôreligious fanaticsÕ want to impose ÔGodÕs word on the rest of us.Õ One news account related that Griffin educated his children at home, a practice Ôlargely associated with Christian fundamental beliefs.ÕÓ How can such hostility to Christianity exist in America? ÒWe have experienced as a nation over 150 years of strong Christian Biblical influence, but that is rapidly declining,Ó says MacArthur. ÒPeople still attend religious services, they still say they believe in God when they are polled, but for the most part, whatever vestiges of Christian religion still pervade our culture are weak and compromising, if not cultic and apostate. ÒOur nation is now affirming through its leaders, through its congresses, its legislative bodies, its courts, and its judges a distinctively anti-Christian agenda. Anything, and everything that is distinctively Christian is being swept away. Indeed, already our schools are bound up by multiple layers of Supreme Court decisions that have expelled Jesus Christ from classroom Ñ but allow for the indoctrination of our children in humanism, the occult, and Eastern meditation, which only a few decisions have acknowledged as forms of religion. ÒThe Christianity that once was part of the fabric of our nation is now gone,Ó says MacArthur. ÒBiblical morality is assaulted constantly. Materialism, family breakup and breakdown, is epidemic. Abortions go on, sexual evils, drugs, crime, and pagan education is flooding our nation like the Mississippi River, and we canÕt come close to coping or dealing with this flood of evil. ÒWe have torn down all of the standards and now we canÕt figure out what is right, so we donÕt know what to teach. We now have a generation of people who have taken the agenda and are running with it. We donÕt have enough standards to control them. We donÕt have enough police to arrest them. We donÕt have enough courts to process them, and we donÕt have enough jails to keep them in.Ó Presbyterian author C.S. Lewis, seemed to understand that eventually Christianity would be challenged by the forces of darkness. in the final days, this would become a conflict of fundamentally incompatible faiths. He predicted that Christianity would be challenged by the old pagans. The New Age worship of pagan gods, Lewis wrote, Òis almost as old as we are. It may even be the most primitive of all religions ... It is immemorial in India. The Greeks rose above it only at their peak ... their successors relapsed into the great Pantheistic system of the Stoics. Modern Europe escaped it only while she remained predominantly Christian.Ó And now, it is sweeping American politics. In Vice President Al GoreÕs best selling book, Earth in the Balance; Ecology and the Human Spirit, he proclaims on page 258 that ÒThe richness and diversity of our religious tradition throughout history is a spiritual resource long ignored by people of faith, who are often afraid to open their minds to teachings first offered outside their own system of belief.Ó What? Gore says Christians have been afraid to open their minds to the possibility that there is truth and spiritual wisdom in pagan beliefs. He says that we have been ignorant by limiting ourselves to biblical Christianity. Furthermore, he says, we should no longer be so limited. Here are his exact words: ÒBut the emergence of a civilization in which knowledge moves freely and almost instantaneously throughout the world spurred a renewed investigation of the wisdom distilled by all faiths.Ó Then, if you can believe this, Gore actually embraces the worship of ancient goddesses. ÒA growing number of anthropologists and archeomythologists,Ó he writes, Òargue that the prevailing ideology of belief in prehistoric Europe and much of the world was based on the worship of a single earth goddess, who was assumed to be the fount of all life and who radiated harmony among all living things. A goddess religion was ubiquitous throughout much of the world until the antecedents of todayÕs religions Ñ most of which still have a distinctly masculine orientation Éalmost obliterating belief in the goddess. The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity...Ó Does anybody really worship goddesses these days? Indeed, there is quite a resurgence of such worship, and one of the high days on which pagans do it is Halloween. The Samhein Ritual, which is also celebrated by some at the autumnal equinox, is preceded by a ceremonial supper, then Òwith the usual power raising dance,Ó according to a program outline obtained by Christian Crusade Newspaper. During one part of the Samhein Ritual, one of the celebrants chants: ÒWe gather tonight to celebrate the turning of the year. The harvest has been brought home, and now begins the season of rest. This is a time for reflection on the past year, and a time to speak once again with those who have passed during that time, for on this night, the Veil between the worlds is the thinnest.Ó He then invokes the presence of various pagan deities Òas we celebrate the ancient rites of SummerÕs End. Let us praise the Earth, our mother, and give thanks for all that She has provided for us in this year passing. (All bend and kiss the Earth.)Ó Another celebrant takes a chalice, then salutes various entities, including Ògods and goddesses of other lands. We acknowledge your presenceÉÓ What follows gives an insight into the apparently fearsome nature of these pagan deities: ÒBe at peace with us and tarry not here this night.Ó In other words, the pagan gods and goddesses are politely asked to move along Ñ and not stay. In other portions of the lengthy rite, celebrants salute by name a pagan deity which they then call the Ògoddess of life, war, death and rebirth. Shelter us beneath your wings as we speak with those beneath your guidance.Ó The rite concludes with Ò(All to meet at Dance meadow for post-rite chanting. Special instructions to be given at briefing. Party to follow.)Ó ThatÕs certainly a ceremony unworthy of the Vice President of the United States, wouldnÕt you say? Can you imagine John Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon or any other American vice president suggesting that his fellow Americans participate in such? ÒThough I appreciate Al GoreÕs good intentions, IÕm concerned about his beliefs,Ó writes Christian researcher Berit Kjos. ÒWill his convictions fuel AmericaÕs growing enchantment with earth-centered religions?Ó What does Gore say that he believes? ÒMy own faith is rooted in the unshakable belief in God as creator and sustainer, a deeply personal interpretation of and relationship with Christ,Ó Ñ well, that is wonderful, until you read the rest of the sentence, in which he embraces the ancient paganism that God is in everybody as well as in the trees and rocks and streams. Here is the complete sentence, ÒMy own faith is rooted in the unshakable belief in God as creator and sustainer, a deeply personal interpretation of and relationship with Christ, and an awareness of a constant and holy spiritual presence in all people, all life and all thingsÓ (p.368). And Gore says this is where all religion must end up eventually. ÒFar from being the final religious refinement,Ó wrote Lewis, paganism Òis in fact the permanent natural bent of the human mind; the permanent ordinary level below which man sometimes sinks, but above which his own unaided efforts can never raise him for very long. ÒIt is the attitude into which the human mind automatically falls when left to itself. No wonder we find it congenial. If ÒreligionÓ means simply what man says about God, and not what God does about man, then Pantheism almost is religion. And religion in that sense has, in the long run, only one really formidable opponent Ñ namely Christianity.Ó Why? Because it is only Christianity that refuses to bend to the others. It will not be homogenized into the New Age hodgepodge Ñ because true Christians will not surrender one vital tenet of faith: That Jesus Christ is the only way to earthly happiness, salvation by grace, and everlasting life. ÒAs born-again disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will soon come face-to-face with seemingly irrefutable evidence of our own irrelevance,Ó warns MacArthur. Society will decide that it does not need Christianity. And we are all going to face new challenges far, far more threatening than whether or not to let our children go trick-or-treating. But as we are presented with these challenges, we must week the LordÕs wisdom Ñ just like parents wrestling with whether or not to let their children observe Halloween. Only by depending on our great and mighty God will the coming generation survive and even thrive in a pagan America. God will protect our kids and grandkids, just as he protected Joseph in heathen Egypt and Daniel in pagan Babylon. But we must pray fervently for revival. Russia was pagan a thousand years ago, then Christian, then suffered through 70 years of godless communistic tribulation Ñ but now is experiencing incredible revival. Throughout Africa, great revival is also underway Ñ in a land known for its heathenism. In China, the underground home church movement is sweeping that land of legendary paganism. So, if there is hope for Russia and Africa and China, then there is hope for America! The Bible warns us that we can realistically expect the bulk of humanity to reject Jesus Christ in favor of false, easy religions that pander to the pride and perversity of manÕs fallen nature. Jesus spoke of two roads: the narrow way which leads to life, and the broad way which leads to death. Just as there is only one Truth, there is really only one lie, though it may take many forms. Although the broad road has many Òlanes,Ó they all lead to the same place in the end. Are the forces of terrible evil finally moving in for the kill Ñ howling in unheard, demonic delight that the United States has finally turned its back on God? Consider the strange new utterances coming from one of American ChristianityÕs chief opponents, TV producer Norman Lear. Recently, he criticized newspaper columnist Charles Krauthammer for scoffing at Hillary ClintonÕs call for a Ònew politics of meaningÓ to cure the Òspiritual vacuumÓ afflicting America. ÒWe need to make room in the culture for a public discussion of our common spiritual life,Ó wrote Lear in a guest column in the Washington Post. ÒWe need to rediscover together what is truly sacred.Ó Re-discover? ÒFor most Americans there is no need to rediscover the transcendent,Ó retorted Krauthammer. ÒThey live with it.Ó It is called Christianity. ÒA liberal, radically alienated from religion, may need to rediscover the spiritual,Ó wrote Krauthammer. ÒBut for the 94 percent of Americans who believe in God and the nearly half who go to church on Sundays, there is no need to rediscover anything. Now, if Norman Lear were just some Hollywood mogul, this might be dismissed as yet another Beverly Hills bubblehead pronouncing himself in the Age of Clinton. ÒBut Norman Lear is no ordinary Hollywood liberal,Ó noted Krauthammer. Lear is the founder of People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group that calls for a strict separation of church and state. In the recent Lee v. Weisman case before the U.S. Supreme Court, People for the American Way argued successfully that prayer by clergy at high school graduations should be declared unconstitutional. The latest edition of LearÕs newsletter, ÒRight-Wing Watch,Ó warns that Christian groups are searching for ways to get around the Weisman decision. The newsletter also cautions against such Christian threats as the ÒSee You at the PoleÓ event, a nationwide evangelical event encouraging students to arrive at their schoolÕs flagpole for a prayer session before the start of class.Ó LearÕs fear of such a prayer circle, writes Krauthammer, brings us Òto the crux of the liberalsÕ problem with spirituality. They want a spiritual revival, but are discomfited by religion, the most reliable and enduring carrier of spirituality known to man. Lear is so embarrassed to talk about religion that the word does not once appear in his column on the new spirituality. Instead we get mush about how Ôwe need to rediscover together what is truly sacred.Õ To quote Tonto in the old story, ÔWhat do you mean we, paleface?ÕÓ Lear and anti-Christian activists like him, writes Krauthammer, are undermining what remains of the Christian ties that hold Americans together. Having succeeded grandly at stripping public life of Christianity, Òthey wake up one morning surprised to discover that our common life is spiritually empty. Their solution Ñ some newfangled, New Age, new spirituality Ñis a guilty and pitiful substitute for what they have wantonly dismantled.Ó True, but it accomplishes a long-term goal Ñ a populist religion without Jesus Christ. This is SatanÕs greatest desire, for mankind to follow after a renovated paganism that spurns Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Will the opponents of Christ, such as Lear and company, succeed in establishing their New Age spirituality? Perhaps, but remember that the very gates of Hell cannot prevail against the Church. The battle may become intense very soon, but we are guaranteed the final victory. Has Halloween been used to desensitize generations of Americans to paganism? Has todayÕs new generation been prepared for this New Age religion which will attempt to drive Christianity from American soil? Like Israel, which witnessed GodÕs miracles as it conquered the Promised Land, is America turning away from the God of our fathers and instead to idols? The situation does look grim. But false gods do not satisfy the yearning in menÕs hearts for communion with the One True and Loving God. Without Him, every man and woman on earth suffers from an emptiness that only the Almighty Father can fill. So let us pray that this generation, which has been taught to question all authority, can be counted on to continue searching for answers when those offered by Al Gore and Norman Lear turn out to be empty and meaningless. After all, communism inflicted such an incredible spiritual void on people that today millions from Albania to Mongolia are doing all they can to learn about Jesus. So, this Halloween, let us pray that our nationÕs unfaithfulness to the God of our fathers will not result in the destruction that God unleashed on His Chosen People in ancient days. This Halloween, drop inspirational, child-oriented tracts into trick-or-treaterÕs bags Ñ along with a special candy treat that tells kids that Christians are even more generous than other people. Check with your local GideonÕs InternationalÑ some local chapters or ÒcampsÓ of this Bible-distribution organization will provide you with little New Testaments for Halloween giveaway. Ask your pastor if you can help organize an October 31 Faith Festival Ñ and give your congregationÕs children a place to bring their friends in out of the darkness. This will be hard work Ñ expect to entertain scores of children for up to three hours. You will need to enlist lots of volunteers. Anticipate spending five hours in preparation for every hour that you will host the kids. If you stay home, as each trick-or-treater leaves your doorstep, offer a special, silent prayer over them. Ask the Lord to protect and guide them and lead their feet along the narrow path of righteousness Ñ as they venture out into contemporary AmericaÕs pagan, dangerous and unknown future. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN CRUSADE NEWSPAPER? Christian Crusade Newspaper is in its 42nd year as a monthly voice of Christian conservativism. It has a worldwide circulation and is published by Christian Crusade, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102. The newspaper is distributed free, without charge, to subscribers as a result of the conviction of its founder that the newspaper was not to put a price-tag on the gospel. For your free subscription, just ask. We can be E-mailed a number of ways: on America On Line as BJHargis, on Compuserve at 72204,541, via the Internet as bjhargis@aol.com , on GEnie via K.Wilkerson3, on Accuracy in MediaÕs AIMNET via Rob Kerby, on ABBA II via member Jay Tower, and on Computers for Christ via subscriber Jay Tower